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                        <h2 class="card-title">Generate Terms &amp; Conditions</h2>
                        <p class="question-title"><strong>Where will your Terms &amp; Conditions be used?</strong></p>
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                                <p class="input-card-help">Terms &amp; Conditions for Website</p>

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                        <br><small><em>You will be redirected to our trusted partner website <br> to generate the Free Terms &amp; Conditions.</em></small>

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                                    <h1>Terms of Service Generator</h1>

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                                        <p>If you're not a lawyer, creating a Terms of Service to protect your company and customers can be a serious headache.</p>
                                        <p><strong>Our free Terms of Service Generator</strong> can help make sure your business complies with the law and encourages customer trust. Fill in the fields below and we'll generate for your company a personalized website Terms of Service agreement.</p>

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                                        <p><img width="1000" height="578" src="/assets/images/terms-of-service-generator.png" alt="Terms of Service Generator" class="img-responsive rounded" importance="low" loading="lazy"></p>

                                    <p><strong>Looking for a Privacy Policy?</strong> Check out <a href="https://www.gdprprivacypolicy.net/" rel="noopener noreferrer">GDPR Privacy Policy Generator</a>.</p>

                                    <p>The accuracy of the generated document on this website is not legally binding. Use at your own risk.</p>

                                    <h2>Do You Need A Terms Of Service Template?</h2>

                                    <p>When running a website that is offering either products or services, a Terms of Service page is simply a must. Not only does it outline exactly what customers can expect from you, it also makes sure that any potential backlash is mitigated as long as you keep to your end of the bargain. Now, you can go about having a Terms of Service page in two ways. You can either make it yourself or use a template. Most people choose the template.</p>

                                    <h2>The Legal Stuff</h2>

                                    <p>The Terms of Service of any particular company or website serves to do two things in general. One is to provide customers with context as to the types of liabilities, goods, amenities and so on that they can reasonably expect from you. The other is to make sure that any lawsuit would have fewer legal bases as long as you stick to your own terms.</p>
                                    <p>Although it is a rare customer who would actually spend time to look into the details, there are those who want to make sure that they understand what they are getting themselves into. These types of customers can also be notorious for going the extra mile in holding companies or websites accountable even if they have to use legal means to do so.</p>

                                    <h2>Any Benefits for Having a Terms of Service?</h2>

                                    <p>Aside from covering your behind in case a customer gets it into their heads to sue, one of the benefits of using Terms of Service templates is that you don't have to be a legal expert to draft one up anymore. You can just copy and paste, although you do have to make sure that the template in question has the right wordings to suit your website.</p>
                                    <p>Not only will this help you avoid those pesky legal hooks that you might need to contend with if you write the terms yourself, it will also save you a lot of time. In the case of legal experts, you also save money.</p>

                                    <h2>From Scratch Or Template?</h2>

                                    <p>You really have to look into the benefits of having a Terms of Service write-up that you made yourself and the advantages you get with a template objectively. Obviously, the latter comes with the convenience factor and it saves money. However, writing the terms from scratch does offer quite a bit of useful additions.</p>

                                    <p>For one thing, you can customize it with the specific needs of your website, if there is any, so that you are truly covered in terms of legality. It also saves you from potential embarrassment that mistakes from copy/paste templates might bring.</p>


                             <h3 class="text-center text-muted">Preview Your Terms of Service</h3>

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<h1>Website Terms and Conditions of Use</h1>

<h2>1. Terms</h2>

<p>By accessing this Website, accessible from <span class="highlight preview_website_url">Website.com</span>, you are agreeing to be bound by these Website Terms and Conditions of Use and agree that you are responsible for the agreement with any applicable local laws. If you disagree with any of these terms, you are prohibited from accessing this site. The materials contained in this Website are protected by copyright and trade mark law.</p>

<h2>2. Use License</h2>

<p>Permission is granted to temporarily download one copy of the materials on <span class="highlight preview_company_name">Company Name</span>'s Website for personal, non-commercial transitory viewing only. This is the grant of a license, not a transfer of title, and under this license you may not:</p>

    <li>modify or copy the materials;</li>
    <li>use the materials for any commercial purpose or for any public display;</li>
    <li>attempt to reverse engineer any software contained on <span class="highlight preview_company_name">Company Name</span>'s Website;</li>
    <li>remove any copyright or other proprietary notations from the materials; or</li>
    <li>transferring the materials to another person or "mirror" the materials on any other server.</li>

<p>This will let <span class="highlight preview_company_name">Company Name</span> to terminate upon violations of any of these restrictions. Upon termination, your viewing right will also be terminated and you should destroy any downloaded materials in your possession whether it is printed or electronic format.</p>

<h2>3. Disclaimer</h2>

<p>All the materials on <span class="highlight preview_company_name">Company Name</span>'s Website are provided “as is”. <span class="highlight preview_company_name">Company Name</span> makes no warranties, may it be expressed or implied, therefore negates all other warranties. Furthermore, <span class="highlight preview_company_name">Company Name</span> does not make any representations concerning the accuracy or reliability of the use of the materials on its Website or otherwise relating to such materials or any sites linked to this Website.</p>

<h2>4. Limitations</h2>

<p><span class="highlight preview_company_name">Company Name</span> or its suppliers will not be hold accountable for any damages that will arise with the use or inability to use the materials on <span class="highlight preview_company_name">Company Name</span>'s Website, even if <span class="highlight preview_company_name">Company Name</span> or an authorize representative of this Website has been notified, orally or written, of the possibility of such damage. Some jurisdiction does not allow limitations on implied warranties or limitations of liability for incidental damages, these limitations may not apply to you.</p>

<h2>5. Revisions and Errata</h2>

<p>The materials appearing on <span class="highlight preview_company_name">Company Name</span>'s Website may include technical, typographical, or photographic errors. <span class="highlight preview_company_name">Company Name</span> will not promise that any of the materials in this Website are accurate, complete, or current. <span class="highlight preview_company_name">Company Name</span> may change the materials contained on its Website at any time without notice. <span class="highlight preview_company_name">Company Name</span> does not make any commitment to update the materials.</p>

<h2>6. Links</h2>

<p><span class="highlight preview_company_name">Company Name</span> has not reviewed all of the sites linked to its Website and is not responsible for the contents of any such linked site. The presence of any link does not imply endorsement by <span class="highlight preview_company_name">Company Name</span> of the site. The use of any linked website is at the user's own risk.</p>

<h2>7. Site Terms of Use Modifications</h2>

<p><span class="highlight preview_company_name">Company Name</span> may revise these Terms of Use for its Website at any time without prior notice. By using this Website, you are agreeing to be bound by the current version of these Terms and Conditions of Use.</p>

<h2>8. Governing Law</h2>

<p>Any claim related to <span class="highlight preview_company_name">Company Name</span>'s Website shall be governed by the laws of <span class="highlight preview_country">Country</span> without regards to its conflict of law provisions.</p>



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